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3 Reason You Should Clean Pet Hair and Dander in Carpet Regularly

Our pets are so well-loved that we often overlook some of the “minor” effects that their fur and dander can leave behind on our carpets. Many people do not realize some of the effects that pet hair and dander can have when left sitting on your carpet for too long, nor are they aware of the unaesthetic appeal of a carpet covered in hair. ServiceMaster Clean by LoveJoy discusses the reasons why you should have pet hair removed from your carpets and rugs regularly.

Why Pet Dander Must Be Removed Regularly

As a pet owner, while you love your pets and everything about them, others may not enjoy the long-lasting effects that pet hair and dander can leave behind.


Bad odors


How Often Do I Need to Get My Carpets Professionally Cleaned?

Set Up a Carpet Cleaning Program in Atlanta, Georgia

ServiceMaster Clean by LoveJoy offers professional carpet cleaning services in Atlanta, Georgia, and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 672-3222 or connect with us online to schedule an appointment.

Carpet Cleaning

Whatever the occasion, be it the purchase or sale of your home, the arrival of guests over the weekend, or the need to give your carpet a refreshing appeal, you can trust ServiceMaster Clean By Lovejoy for excellent carpet cleaning. Contact us today.